A quick salad to prepare; works really well as a meze or a nutritious side dish.


  • 2½ cups of fine bulgur wheat
  • 2½ cups of warm water
  • ½ cup finely chopped mint 
  • ½ cup finely chopped spring onions 
  • 1 cup finely chopped parsley  
  • 2 tbsp tomato paste*
  • 1 tbsp pepper paste (mild) **
  • juice of 2 medium-sized lemons
  • 6 tbsp Colive Extra Virgin Olive Oil 
  • 2½ pomegranate molasses
  • 2 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp ground black pepper 
  • 1 tsp Aleppo pepper***


  1. In a bowl, mix warm water with fine bulgur wheat and leave to rest for 15 - 20 minutes.
  2. After around 20 minutes, check if the bulgur wheat is soft and fluffy. If it is still hard, you might need to add some more warm water and cover it again. 
  3. Once the bulgur wheat is ready, add the tomato paste, pepper paste, and finely chopped spring onions. Mix gently with your hands so everything combines well with the bulgur wheat; turning it a shade of orange. 
  4. Add salt, black pepper, and Aleppo pepper to the mix and mix with your hands again. 
  5. Add lemon juice and pomegranate molasses and mix with your hands again to combine everything. 
  6. Add Colive oil and mix it again. 
  7. Finally, add the finely chopped mint and parsley and mix one last time. Your kisir is ready to be served.

* When tomatoes are in season you can replace 1 tbsp of tomato with finely chopped/ grated ripe tomatoes and just use 1 tbsp of tomato paste.
** If you don't have pepper paste, you can grate 1 big romano pepper and use that instead. 
*** If you don't have Aleppo pepper, you can try chilli flakes as a substitute. 


January 24, 2020 — Colive Team