A bright and refreshing yogurt meze. Plus side? you can have any leftovers simply as a creamy salad dressing


  • 3 large carrots
  • 3 tbsp Colive Extra Virgin Olive Oil (plus some to drizzle)
  • 1 cup Greek/strained yogurt (optional: you can use 3/4 cup yoghurt and 1/4 cup mayo)
  • 3 garlic cloves, minced or crushed 
  • 2 tsp salt 
  • few walnuts (optional)
  • parsley (or dill) to decorate 


  1. Peel and coarsely grate carrots.
  2. In a sauté pan, sautee carrots using 3 tbsp Colive Extra Virgin Olive Oil over medium heat. They should get a bit soft and slightly lose their brightness; they shouldn't get brown.
  3. Peel garlic cloves, crush or mice them, and mix them with yogurt in a bowl. 
  4. Add your sautéed carrots and salt to the bowl and mix until there is an even pastel yellow color. 
  5. Drizzle with some Colive Extra Virgin Olive Oil, decorate with parsley or herb, and crushed walnut pieces as you prefer. 
June 20, 2020 — Colive Team